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Am i Documentary filmmaker?

I don’t think i actually have an answer yet, In studio2 making a documentary film was my first experience and thats why i don’t have an answer. as i started filmmaking i saw myself as a DOP which i decided to be i had different experiences as a producer and director but i felt like I’m doing a better job as a DOP, and it wasn’t only me, the people that i’ve worked with they usually give me good feedback on my work and they appreciated my ideas and efforts in taking this script to the screen and make it look as they want and i usually share my vision with them so they have new options and ideas or stick to their vision.

In Documentary filmmaking it was really it’s not what I’m used to work on, my first issue was that i don’t know the answers for the questions, and for me as a DOP it does actually matter if i know the dialogue or not because there’s different styles that i can work with and honestly i was a bit confused with the shots that we will work with, and what i didn't like was the lack of options that we had for the shots it was pretty basic especially the interview part, which is a major part of the documentary.

I really cant judge myself from the first experience, Maybe it was the documentary that we made wasn’t reeky the type of film that i would enjoy watching, so i didn’t actually enjoy working on it and the, but i tried and gave the all i can do for this project. When it’s work that you have to do you got to do everything even if you have problems or you don’t like it.

Maybe i need more time to work on other documentaries and try to figure if i actually am a documentary filmmaker or not, and probably this is not going to be my last one, because i have some ideas in mind that i think i will introduce to the audience in a very nice way, I will try to direct one because i think it is the part where you decide if you like documentary filmmaker or i should stick to making fiction films.

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